Important Things to Know About Midwives

Important Things to Know About Midwives

March 22, 2021

Pregnancy is the start of an exciting journey. It also means that of a lot of important choices and decisions need to be made. There are several options for expectant mothers and their partners looking for prenatal care in Vancouver. A registered midwife is one of them.  Midwives must be formally trained, and legally registered in order to use the title of midwife. The International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) defines a midwife as “a person who has successfully completed a midwifery education programme that is duly recognized in the country where it is located and that is based on the ICM essential competencies for basic midwifery practice and the framework of the ICM global standards for midwifery education.” A registered midwife is a trained professional you can trust.

If you or a loved one is looking for a registered midwife in Vancouver, you can expect comprehensive care during pregnancy and for up to six weeks after the birth. During the first 28 weeks of pregnancy, you will see your midwife once a month, and then every two weeks until 36 weeks. Then, up until the birth, your midwife will meet with you once a week. After the birth, a midwife will visit your home regularly, and then at a clinic until up to six weeks after birth. Midwives can also assist with breastfeeding challenges, and will help guide mothers through the difficult, and rewarding challenges of postpartum care.

It is your choice where you give birth, either at a hospital, your own home, or a clinic, depending on what facilities are located where you live. With a registered midwife in Vancouver, you will have access to all  of the same tests and treatment that you would receive from a doctor. Midwives are also able to discuss the results of the tests with you, and your partner at your discretion. Pain relief options are also the same with a midwife as they would be with a doctor, and are up to you.

Registered midwives are professional health workers who are trained to provide care to pregnant mothers and newborn babies. During prenatal care, you will receive the same standard of care as you would if you visited your doctor. During birth, a midwife is with you during every step. If needed, your midwife will call for emergency services, and work with other healthcare professionals. Midwives often work in small groups or teams, so there is a good possibility that whenever you need a midwife, there will be one that you have met able to assist you.

Registered midwives believe in the pregnant mother’s choice about her own care. We fully encourage you to take leadership in the planning of your care, and the care of your newborn. The BC College of Nurses and Midwives ensures that midwives consult with pediatricians, obstetricians, and other specialists, if needed. If necessary, your midwife will transfer your care to another medical professional, either during the prenatal period, the birth, or postpartum. Informed choice guides midwives, and they will discuss all of the available options with you every step of the way, so that you can make informed decisions that work best for you, your family and your baby. Appointments are generally between 30-45 minutes long, giving you ample time to ask any questions or voice any concerns you may have. The cost of a registered midwife in Vancouver is covered by MSP in BC. This includes home visits and appointments. If you have any questions about whether a midwife is the right choice for you, book an appointment online or by phone; you do not need a referral to see a midwife.


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